Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 16: Dutch Stroopwafles

Anytime I can whip out my Pizzel machine, is a good time.

Unfortunately, Better Homes and Garden's no longer has this recipe on their website. But I found a similar one here!.

In this instance, I made my own caramel sauce filling (that would also go great over icecream!) For the caramel filling, I followed this recipe here. No candy thermometer required; just 3 easy ingredients: sugar, butter, and cream.

It can easily be stored in a bottle in your fridge for later use (the ice cream sundae possibilities are endless! or even drizzled over cheesecake... wow, that would be delicious!)

Today is a nice day. It's nice because I took my last final (Federal Income Tax), and I am free, free, free for a whole month! I must say, knowing that you have nothing to do, but go home and bake cookies, is a joy.

I did run several errands today, and yes, found a star for the tree!
I also found this adorable mushroom ornament at World Market today:

I guess I'm going for glittery and whimsical? My decorations are a bit eclectic.... but full of cheer!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's fun to see your Christmas decorations.