Dum da da DUM! Christmas is here, the 25th day of the cookie bake has come to an end!
It's been a long journey, and almost an increase in pant-size (almost!). This entry marks a temporary end to my baking insanity, however, I'm sure by Valentines day rolls around I will be itchin' to bake chocolate lava muffins.
Nevertheless, rugalech makes a very special holiday treat. What do you get when you roll pice crust lined with apricot jam, crushed walnuts, and sprinkled with sugar?
A delicious bite of heaven.
This recipe was very easy to make. I used my Grandmother's pice crust recipe, instead of what Food Network called for, which was packaged pie crust. Layering apricot game and nuts, then rolling the triangles over, you end up with a delicious little cookie!
Christmas was very fun. I had 2 Christmas' this year, and now after washing dishes (only a total of 1 times today, luckily) this Whitehall Sauvignon Blanc capping off the evening nicely.
I'm very lucky to have wonderful family, friends, and a wonderful home to call my own (filled with two little fuzzy friends, and a great guy).
Today, my dogs made out to be very lucky girls. I'll be posting pics of goodies my sister made for them (All from The California Chi).
But for now, it's time to sit and enjoy some sweets and wine.